06 September 2017

Android SDK emulator - GPU driver issues

If you have an Intel HD Graphics running the Android SDK emulator in slow software mode, it's intended that a compatibility OpenGL renderer is not used.

I'm sorry about it, but we need to be able to switch to better-supported Intel GPU drivers especially when running high API levels (25+) of system images. Intel iGPUs of that generation (and older) have many issues with OpenGL compatibility.

You could try in terminal:

emulator -list-avds
emulator -avd <AVD_NAME> -gpu host

but that is not permanent fix.

Real resolution to this problem is fine tune the Android emulator with next procedure:

If you'd still like to use the native OpenGL renderer on a Intel HD GPU (at your own risk), go to :

Settings (in Android emulator)
section: General

option: OpenGL ES renderer (requires restart)
select: ANGLE (D3D9)

option: OpenGL ES API level (requires restart)
select: Compatibility (OpenGL ES 1.1/2.0)

and restart your Android emulator in HAX fast virtual mode with hardware rendering...

Source: Google Issue Tracker - Discussion : GPU driver issue