03 February 2013

How to setup CodeTyphon - for Cross compiling FPC and Lazarus - AIO

This is install procedure in Ubuntu 12.10 64bit environment :

1. Install last CodeTyphon zip packet from

2. Extract archive in folder , for example :

  • /home/ct 

3. Enter that folder from Terminal with root privileges and start

  • ./install.sh

4. Only for the first time of CodeTyphon installation in your Computer, select option

  • (3) "Install System Libraries" (about 10 min.)
    • for Ubuntu 12.10, you will need to manually add these packages
      • sudo apt-get install binutils-dev devel-essential

5. After System Libraries Installation, run again "Install.sh" and select option

  •  (0) "Install CodeTyphon Studio"

6. After copy operation, select option
  •  (8) "Remove and Build All" (about 15 min.)

6. After that, you have CodeTyphon Studio installed in your dash, start it and select :

  • menu Cross-Build and choose desired platform

7. Than you should start Lazarus and choose related fpc, for example :

  • /usr/lib/codetyphon/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/ppcx64 (for Linux64)
  • /usr/lib/codetyphon/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/ppcross386 (for Win32)
  • /usr/lib/codetyphon/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/ppcrossx64 (for Win64)

8. Finally, don't forget to choose menu Project/Project Options/Code Generation/Target OS :

  • Linux
  • Win32
  • Win64

Write Once, Compile Anywhere

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