08 December 2011

C# Lesson 8 : Operators, Expressions, and Statements Duration

In this lesson, we discuss how to create a properly formed C# statement. We discuss how statements are made up of expressions and how expressions are made up of operators (think: verbs) and operands (think: nouns). Finally, we talk about compilation errors that occur when the syntax rules of C# are ignored.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace OperatorsExpressionsStatements
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int x, y, a, b;

            // Assignment operator
            x = 3;
            y = 2;
            a = 1;
            b = 0;

            // There are many mathematical operators ...

            // Addition operator
            x = 3 + 4;

            // Subtraction operator
            x = 4 - 3;

            // Multiplication operator
            x = 10 * 5;

            // Division operator
            x = 10 / 5;

            // There are many operators used to evaluate values ...

            // Equality operator
            if (x == y)

            // Greater than operator
            if (x > y)

            // Less than operator
            if (x < y)

            // Greater or equal to operator
            if (x >= y)

            // Less than or equal to operator
            if (x <= y)

            // There are two "conditional" operators as well that can be used to expand / enhance an evaluation ...
            // ... and they can be combined together multiple times.

            // Conditional AND operator …
            if ((x > y) && (a > b))

            // Conditional OR operator …
            if ((x > y) || (a > b))

            // Also, here's the in-line conditional operator we learned about in the previous lesson ...
            string message = (x == 1) ? "Car" : "Boat";

            // Member access and Method invocation

            x + y;


Source : MS Virtual Academy

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